sexta-feira, maio 26, 2006


Photographer: Chas Gerretsen
Date: 1973

Santiago do Chile, 11 de Setembro de 1973: Após deixar o palácio de La Moneda, o presidente Salvador Allende foi morto pouco depois desta fotografia ter sido tirada. Com a sua morte a democracia tinha chegado ao fim no Chile.
Santiago do Chile, 1973, September 11: After leaving La Moneda's palace, president Salvador Allende was killed soon after this picture was taken. With his death democracy came to an end in Chile.

8 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

A very, very powerful picture...

The street on which I live in in Macedonia is called "Salvadot Aliende" ..

Thanks for the photo..

Anónimo disse...

Allende was not killed, but commited suicide. He believed that he'd rather die than be taken by force out of the building where the people had put him. And democracy is thankfully back in Chile since 1990.

mocho disse...

terrible, despues de 30 años
latinoamerica sigue igual , igual.

Anónimo disse...

Picture above is truly very powerful. I have bought that same picture while I was visiting Chile few years ago. Picture tells more than thousand words..


Marisol disse...

The author of this picture remained anonymous for years. His name was revealed only in 2006, after his death. Amazing, considering how famous this photo became and how much he could have gotten for copyright. I'm a Chilean journalist so you can trust the source! Great blog.

Anónimo disse...

Marisol, read again the news report you are talking about. The supposed photographer NEVER said he took those pictures. Also, there's not a single shred of solid-real proof in it. It is all based on speculation and very shaky circumstantial evidence. That person took those pictures only in the imagination of the journalist who wrote the story. President Salvador Allende had at that time a group of 5 personal photographers (Lagos, Hidalgo, Pueller, Vargas, and Amado) of whom the person in question was the boss. One of them took those pictures but it wasn't Mr. Lagos. Don't be so naive trusting every written thing you read, least of all things without real proof. "El papel aguanta todo". And, I know for certain what I'm talking about.

Anónimo disse...

This famous photo, winner of the prestigious World Press Photo 1973 award, was taken by Chilean Air Force NCO Leopoldo Víctor Vargas.
See the complete story at:
Also at the prestigious Mexican magazine Proceso:

Epifanio disse...

Toda imagen cuenta una historia, es verdad, por lo mismo falsear dicha historia agregando una narracion intencionada, es deshonesto.
Allende fue un mal presidente que goberno para la minoria (33%) que le eligio, firmo un compromiso de respetar claras garantias constitucionales que rapidamente incumplio, creo grupos armados que declaraban su intencion expresa de implantar un gobierno totalitario por la via violenta. En lo economico en circunstancias que chile era un pais pobre, logro empobrecerlo aun mas creando gran penuria en la poblacion que veia una inflacion de mas de 2 digitos que el gobierno inoperante pretendia solucionar imprimiendo mas billetes sin respaldo alguno.
De igual forma fomento la expropiacion de industria y agricultura entregando a gente sin preparacion alguna las industrias o ingenios para provocar la quiebra o inoperancia de los mismos.
Por ultimo, fruto de su admiracion declarada por el presidente Jose Manuel Balmaceda, quien cometio suicidio en 1891, antes de abandonar el pais al producirse una revolucion en su contra, cometio el mismo dicha accion utilizando un rifle que le regalara su mentor Fidel Castro, cuestion reconocida por personas de su entorno ya en los primeros momentos de ocurrido. Allende tenia bien claro aquello que dijo Marx en el 18 de brumario de Luis Napoleon, por lo que trato de que su muerte apareciera como tragedia, y vaya que lo logro. Sin embargo esa narrativa no era compartida por sus secuaces quienes propagaron aquello del asesinato, ya que les convenia mejor.