segunda-feira, maio 15, 2006


Photographer: Unknown
Date: 1945

Mister, o boxer, foi a companhia mais conhecida de Billie Holiday. Costumava sentar-se atrás do palco onde podia ouvir a voz da sua Lady. Desde que o pudesse fazer sentia-se feliz. Diz-se que Holiday partilhava tudo com Mister, incluindo heroína. Seja como for, os dois só se separaram durante o período que ela esteve presa por possessão da droga, em 1948.
Mister, the boxer, was Billie Holiday's best-known companion. He used to sit backstage near where he could hear his Lady's voice. As long as he heard her voice, he was happy. It was said that Holiday shared everything, including heroin, with Mister. Whatever, the two were parted only during her jail sentence for possession of the drug in 1948.

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